Healing Solutions For You™ - Alternative and Integrative Healing Practices

Offering a variety of services including massage, flower essence therapy, energy work, Isagenix products and medical intuitive services. Located in Asheville, near Biltmore Square Mall.
The Healing Solutions Difference
-Communication is key. Does your massage therapist talk to your chiropractor? Or personal trainer?  I do. But why does it matter anyway? My goal is to get to the root of the problem. Not chase pain. If your chiropractor says your thoracic spine is stuck then I need to loosen it. If a personal trainer finds a weakness in your hamstring, I shouldn’t be loosening it. I need to loosen the opposing muscles. Loosening the wrong areas may temporarily reduce your pain but will exacerbate the problem. You’ll keep going back to the chiropractor or me with pain. Or you’ll get injured when you exercise. And it’ll be MY fault. Loosening the right areas can bring your body into balance.
-Education. Knowledge is power. With my extensive background in holistic medicine, I will empower you with the knowledge to reduce pain and improve your health. Feel confused by the conflicting health information out there today? I can help you develop clarity to hone in on what will work for you.
-Experience. Between my upraising, experience through my own health journey, formal and informal training, job experience and personal pursuit, my knowledge in holistic medicine is very broad. I have training in herbology, nutrition, massage/body/energy work, flower essence therapy and more. This means I have a large toolbox to pick the right technique for the person/situation.
-Awareness. My experience and training make me aware of how I can best tailor sessions to you. I have more awareness, as well, through communication with your other health professionals. I pay careful attention to what I find, adjust the approach and, if necessary, research something. Finally, when I listen to my gut and let my hands be the guide in a massage, I find just the spot.








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